Shipment information


  • The shipping method is through regular mail, which means that there will be no code to locate the order.
  • Shipping usually takes 5 to 10 days (working days). 
  • In case of loss of the package I am not responsible for the loss, since the problem is of the company in charge of the shipments, in this case Correos
  • Shipping cost deppends of the order and where are you from, but the minimum is 1€.
Anyway if you have any problem U can contact with me via mail: [email protected]


  • La forma d'enviament és a través de correu ordinari, el que vol dir que no hi haurà un codi per localitzar la comanda.
  • Els envius de normal tarden entre 5 i 10 dies (laborals).
  • Si el paquet s'estravia no em faig responsable de la perdua, ja que el problema seria de la empresa encarregada de l'enviament; en aquest cas Correos.
  • Els gastos d'envio depenen de la compra i d'on sigues, pero el minim es d'1€.

Si tens algun problema no dubtes en contactar-me via email: [email protected]